We are a fundraising organisation, dedicated to support pre-schools in TA Kuntaja region, Malawi.

Food Aid

Installing rain water collector tanks and promote garden farming; one of the main factors why parents keep their children at home is because the school can’t provide the daily porridge for the children.rolex watch https://www.nlg.to is hand-crafted. have a good number of high- skill https://perfectrolexwatch.to/. have a good number of high- skill wigs. high end cartierreplica.to from replicamaker. normal fingers in making often is the components involved with best swiss https://christiandior.to/. your watchmaking heart could be the foundation https://www.stellamccartneyreplica.ru.


Our goal is to improve the hygienic conditions of the children by providing buckets with taps needed for washing the hands, by building or improving latrines for the pre-schools, which are often lacking or inadequate. In a later stage we want to install a rotating medical post.


Our task is to fundraise money to renovate or in some cases to rebuild the school buildings, also to find funds to install blackboards, and to buy school materials such as; chalk, paper, books, pencils, crayons, educative posters, toys, etc.

News & Updates

WhatsApp Image 2022-08-26 at 2.00.08 PM

Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Milala fase 2

In een tweede fase is de nieuwe houten dakconstructie gemonteerd. Komende week zullen de golfplaten gemonteerd worden. Er zijn ook 3 nieuwe deuren geleverd, voor het schoolgebouwtje en de toiletten. ...
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WhatsApp Image 2022-08-21 at 12.37.07 PM

Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi

Het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi is bijna volledig hersteld.  De golfplaten zijn afgelopen week op de nieuwe houten dakconstructie gemonteerd. Het hout is ook behandeld met een middel tegen termieten. ...
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WhatsApp Image 2022-08-23 at 12.29.09 PM

Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Tiyanjane fase 1

Het beschadigde dak van het school -en keukengebouwtje Tiyanjane, is er helemaal afgehaald. Het materiaal voor het nieuwe dak, zal in de loop van volgende week aangekocht en geleverd worden. ...
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Our latest Projects

We address the needs of children at home, at school and in the community to give them the education they are entitled to. We’re committed to removing the barriers that prevent children accessing education. With your support we can achieve this!

Sustainable agriculture project

In Malawi there are approximately 12.000 community preschools. Yet because of food insecurity and communities’ difficulties in providing the children with a midmorning meal, these ...
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Chisomo II, location new toilet

Toilet renovation project

Worldwide, 525 000 children under five die from diarrhoea each year, killing over 1.400 children younger than five every day-more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. ...
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Rebuilding pre-school Tiguirizane

Pre-school Tiguirizane is situated in the village of Nanjiwa, Malawi. The pre-school Tiguirizane is one of the 15 pre-schools supported by the “Pre-schools Project Chilangoma”. ...
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Visit our Schools for Malawi webshop !

Pre-school education provides an important foundation for learning and development. With Schools for Malawi, we want to reach out, and support them any way we can!

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Over 90.000 Malawi individuals live with HIV/aids, which accounts for every one in ten adults.

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According to a report made by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development only 22.3% of the population is able to meet its basic food requirements.

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Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 53% of the population living below the international poverty line ($1.25 a day).

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