Development Instructors (DI) Program

The volunteers who are working in the pre-schools project are all active in the Development Instructors (DI) Program. There are several schools around the world, were you can join this program; DRH Lindersvold (Denmark), One World Institute (Norway), CICD (England), IICD Michigan (U.S.) and Richmond Vale Academy (U.S.). The Development Instructors are volunteering in the pre-schools project for 6 or 8 months.

Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Milala fase 2

In een tweede fase is de nieuwe houten dakconstructie gemonteerd. ...
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Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi

Het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi is bijna volledig hersteld.ย  De ...
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Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Tiyanjane fase 1

Het beschadigde dak van het school -en keukengebouwtje Tiyanjane, is ...
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Help us to rebuild schools, setting up food aid programs & improving the average health conditions in Malawi.

Schools For Malawi VZW is a fundraising organisation, dedicated to support pre-schools in TA Kuntaja region, Malawi.
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