Sustainable agriculture project

After making a subsidy application for our “Sustainable Agriculture Project”, we received 2383€ from the City Council of Mortsel, Belgium. With the first part of the subsidies, the volunteers bought seeds and fertilizer for 5 schools. Depending on the size of their garden, the schools Mathithi, Tikondane 2, Chisomo 2, Favour and Tikondane 1 received ;  5 or 6 kg of maize seeds, 1 or 2 kg of soya seeds and 50 kg of fertilizer. In about two weeks we will post an update on what was bought with the next part of the subsidies.

Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Milala fase 2

In een tweede fase is de nieuwe houten dakconstructie gemonteerd. ...
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Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi

Het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi is bijna volledig hersteld.  De ...
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Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Tiyanjane fase 1

Het beschadigde dak van het school -en keukengebouwtje Tiyanjane, is ...
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Help us to rebuild schools, setting up food aid programs & improving the average health conditions in Malawi.

Schools For Malawi VZW is a fundraising organisation, dedicated to support pre-schools in TA Kuntaja region, Malawi.
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