Shake Steven Supervisor of the pre-schools project

Shake is the supervisor of the pre-schools project that we support. Shake works for the NGO DAPP, and works closely together with the volunteers. He is also their guide and translator during their work in the project. In November of 2018, Shake and several other people from across Malawi, was honoured by the Minister of education in Lilongwe, for his years of commitment and dedication in his work with the pre-schools.

Shake is a Malawian former light flyweight boxer. He competed in the light flyweight event at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, under the name Shekie Kongo.

Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Milala fase 2

In een tweede fase is de nieuwe houten dakconstructie gemonteerd. ...
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Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi

Het dak van kleuterschool Nkokodzi is bijna volledig hersteld.ย  De ...
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Werken aan het dak van kleuterschool Tiyanjane fase 1

Het beschadigde dak van het school -en keukengebouwtje Tiyanjane, is ...
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Help us to rebuild schools, setting up food aid programs & improving the average health conditions in Malawi.

Schools For Malawi VZW is a fundraising organisation, dedicated to support pre-schools in TA Kuntaja region, Malawi.
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